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Cutting the Household Umbilical Cords

Our household expenses often have a way of hiding from us...that, or we totally ignore them, claiming some as necessities, when in fact, they are really things we make excuses to have. "OMG!" U say? Every month we spend on electric, water, water heating, heating in the winter months and trash. But there are some tips I have that can sever those household umbilical cords and have u saving some money in the long run.

Used to be u could collect rain water in a barrel, if u plan to do so, check whats legal in ur area. If u can do so (which i think its outrageous u cant in areas), then do so and save on using water to wash ur car or water ur plants when the heat of summer strikes. Make sure to put a lid on it for safety reasons and to keep bugs at bay.

Change ur lighting in ur lamps, etc, to compact fluorescent bulbs. They burn 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs. Halogen lamps cost a whole heck of a lot more, so steer clear of them. Don't forget to dust ur light bulbs frequently, that will save u even more.

Other ways to save is...if u have a laptop, drop ur cable, anything on cable u more than likely can find on the internet. U can subscribe pretty cheap to movie sites if television and movies are a must in ur life.

Seal up cracks in ur attic. Use insulation in a can. Also seal gaps around ur fireplace and chimney, recessed lights, and inside closets and cabinets. Dont forget around windows and doors that lead to the outside elements. Regularly check ur weather strippings.

A freezer thats half full is more efficient than one that is empty because theres less air to escape when u open the door. Once a year unplug ur refrigerator and let come to room temperature, then pull it from the wall and give it a through cleaning. Vacuum out the coils and it will run smoothly.

*Tippidy Doo Dah* Washing ur clothes at the coolest temp saves on hot water costs.

Turn down the temperature on ur water heater to 120 F. Thats pretty hot for a shower or doing dishes. For every 10 F u reduce the temperature u will be saving 3% - 6% on ur bill.

*Tippidy Doo Dah* Learn basic plumbing skills and when something breaks down, U can fix it urself. Shut a leaky toilet off! A leaky toilet looses 1,000 gallons of water a day. Only call a plumber if theres a leak somewhere within ur walls!

Well, that's just a few short tips my smexy witches. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks around the house, plus more! Blessed be!

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