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About Me:


Hi, I'm EclecticSista. It's nice to see u on my blog.


I am an older woman blogging about many things in life, that is why I am a Life Blogger. I am a divorced mother of 5 grown children, I cannot have children anymore, so I RP with my Reborn dolls Sophia and Enya, kinda as if they were real...but believe me, I am well aware they are not. If Role Playing with a doll upsets u, I suggest u move on from this blog and me...for I dont give a crap if it bothers u. Oh yeah, I'm also pretty sarcastic, so if that bothers u, again...move along, this isnt the blog for u. :) 


I am also an Avatar on IMVU, by the same name as here. I enjoy IMVU a lot, except for the Noobs that have no respect and also the bullies u can find on there...idiots in my eyes, for we all should TRY to get along in such a wonderful community as IMVU, meeting people from all walks of life and all sorts of places. If u don't like Avitars or IMVU or Rping on games and sites, oh well, thats ur issue, again this blog is not for u and move along peacefully.


I like many things, as I (food addict),  :) I am dieting but also at the age I know it wont do to much in losing weight, but it will help me become healthier, so I have a health (mind. body, spirit) page. Plus also because I have mental health issues. :) I can relate to many people, and believe me when I say..."There is nothing on this planet I havent been through, seen, heard, or dealt with in one form or another." So know u are not alone in things u are going through or have been through, js.


I love doing DIY's so have a page for all of u who love to create. 


I also have a wicked and wild cat named Velcro. I love all sorts of animals, I had a page for him, but he doesnt like to be in the spotlight so removed it, lol.


I love to cook, so have a page for recipes and videos on cooking. I love to come up with my own recipes a lot because I have very limited funds, so I enjoy talking about how to make cheap, easy, delicious meals (I can make a meal out of bread, water and gum and make it a grand, tasty meal). :)


I have been exercising more also, so I have a page on different exercises u might like to try. I like to keep things simple and fun.

A lot of my Spirituality will be incorporated into this Blog also and sometime soon I would like to make Spiritual Jewelry to show and maybe sell! :)


As time goes on with this blog, I will do updates. U also can post ideas of ur own if u would like to see something, or recommend a blog subject.


Ty for reading - EclecticSista

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