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A Walk Among Ur Inner World

Calm, relax, take an inner walk of ur mind, body, soul. Become comfortable with who u are, where u came from...what makes u...well...u. Relax, take a deep breath and plunge into these different forms of meditation and become closer to urself and ways to relax, become closer to ur higher power and be calm. Take a step into ur own strength and creativity.


There are many many tapes and CDs of guided meditations. If u are new to meditation, this is probably the first type I would recommend. A soothing voice, relaxing music, a quiet space are all tools to help u focus on things other than stresses and problems, though meditation can help u focus on finding solutions to such issues in ur life.

Meditating takes devotion, practice and will-power, its not easy to calm the mind and bring it to a quiet state in this day and age of fast paced rushing around.

Once meditating this way becomes easy for u, u can move onto non-guided forms of meditation if u wish to, some people enjoy guided meditation and will stick with this form, no form is right or wrong, just a tool for u to connect with urself and ur higher power.


This type of meditation is a step into urself. Its finding answers to "Who am I?" U gain a very intimate knowledge into what makes u u.

Our 'self' is a big mystery to us. Begin this type of meditation with questions as to any feelings ur having and asking urself, "who is aware of this feeling?" The answer will always be u! Only u are feeling what u are feeling at any given time. This brings u back to the feeling of self, of presence. Focus ur mind on feelings of just being.


Yep, u knew this one was coming, lol.

There are many meditations involving yoga.

-Sound meditation: Focusing on sound, empty the mind and just listen to calming ambient of music, chimes, breathing, heartbeats and waterfalls.

-Breathing: This involves relaxation and deep breathing, listening to ur breaths, concentrating on the rhythm and paying attention to feelings.


Mantras are usually a syllable or word, but to me it can also be a sentence or quote that brings u pleasure and meaning (One I like is, "This to shall pass"). It is believed that to concentrate on a syllable or word will help u focus ur mind, which may be true, but so does a sentence or quote. Which ever u use will do the trick, as I said, there is no right or wrong, just what works for urself.


With this type of meditation u walk, slowly, continuously, staying aware of ur body and mind. Take deep breaths and be aware of ur bodys movements. Pick a safe place to move around in, like a park. To add to this, u can focus on something in ur surrounds also, like a tree, watch the branches sway, move with the wind, or a flower, take in all the depths of color, etc.


Yes, there is a name to this, lol, kundalini meditation. This meditaion is letting go of ur ego. U surrender to the rhythms of the music and the ecstasy of movement, let ur body do as it feels natural to do in dance, even whoop and holler, lol. It is a great way to get in touch with our inner selves and release tensions from the day.

There are tons of meditation forms out there, I suggest u look up a few online or a book would be even better for it can take u more in depth as to the history and ways to practice a certain method. I do hope u enjoyed this small tidbit on ways to meditate and again I stress there is no right or wrong way of meditating, it all depends on what works best for u!

Thank u for reading my smexy witches! Blessed be.

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