Advice I Would Give My Younger Self :O
There are many things I would tell my younger much in this world that will be a rude awakening...and so many positives also.
Have u ever taken time to ask urself what advice u would give your younger self? What do u wish u had known back then about ur future? What would u tell urself to not do? :)
I will let u all know, I grew up in dysfunction, I lived long years of dysfunction...and I all can do now is hope those who are young and reading this might take some of what i say to heart.
First i would tell my younger self to relax more, to enjoy her days while young because they get harder as u age. I would have told me things in life can get better. That adults wont rule over me forever, someday I will be my own ruler.
I would tell me not to rush into relationships. To not worry about love, having kids, having a Prince Charming. A real love takes time to grow, it needs trust and nurturing. Marriage shouldn't be rushed into, neither should having children. Big commitments in life. Relax and wait to find that perfect mate...but also know that things in a marriage change a lot. There is give and there is take. Do NOT accept abuse in any form and leave someone like that right away. No, u cannot change them. Ever. Though family is important, I would tell myself that I am important too and if I'm not well, how can I take care of anyone else?
I would tell myself to ignore the bullies best u can, seek a mental health professional for emotional help, don't be afraid to make friends and know that eventually school will end. Go to college if possible, get some work background by volunteering. Having and keeping career in this day and age is hard, getting things u need and want are difficult. Seek someone who knows things financially to help grow ur finances through the years.
I would tell my younger self to eat a diet of fruits and vegetables and very very little processed foods and snacks. I would say, please, please, please exercise and strength exercises especially for the back. That I need to make nutrition number one for health, see my doctor on a regular basis. I would tell myself to enjoy being outdoors, wear sunscreen, and to take care of my body more, for without me taking care of it, no one else will.
I would tell my younger self that I will make and have close friends, I just need to reach out to others without fear of rejection, that I AM a beautiful person, that I AM a good person, strong and worthy of decent people in my life. There will be ups and downs and that I should never let people take advantage of me, belittle me, mock me, tease me, etc...I would tell myself that I CAN walk away from people like that without guilt and fear.
I would tell myself there are wonderful and kind people out there who aren't going to hurt me, but support me and be there for me through the good and the bad times. To not give up even when I feel like it. Id tell me to have fun, travel a bit, see the world and find a place where I feel i belong.
I think that's about it for now, I might have a part 2 on this, not sure yet, lol. :)
Anyway, I hope that a young person reads this and says to themselves..."Yes, this sounds like good advice and I will at least attempt to give it a try". :)
Have an awesome day my smexy peeps! -Muah-