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Making Work Work For U

There are plenty of things u can do in ur work place/space to be healthy, happy, relaxed and more productive. :) I have tips to lead u on a journey into a more serene and calm work environment and even some that benefit ur health, mental and physical.

Tip 1: Speedily tap ur toes on the floor while seated at ur desk or better yet, stand infront of ur small office garbage can and alternating legs, tap ut foot upon the rim. This gets ur blood flowing in ur legs. Do it a few times during ur work schedule.

Tip 2: Take a mini break during ur day to do stationary jogging. This gets the heart pumping and raises ur energy. All u need is a good five minute light jog standing in place to get that blood pumping. :)

Tip 3: Right after lunch break, take a quick stroll around the office, the building, or ur home (if u work at home). This refreshes the mind and gives u energy to carry on with the day. It helps ease tensions and stresses, clearing ur head to help ideas pop. :)

Tip 4: Release stress with a quick shimmy and shake at ur desk. Do some seated dancing. Pop on some music from a radio (low volume) or ur laptop and dance in the energy! :)

Tip 5: While standing at the printer or on a phone convo or waiting for that file to load on ur computer, stand with legs shoulder length apart and raise unto ur tippy-toes. Do as many as the time it takes to complete the task.

Tip 6: Squeeze ur buttock for 5 - 10 seconds, then release. Do this during long meetings, or phone calls. :)

Tip 7: To keep blood flowing in the legs and lessen swelling in the ankles and feet, raise and lower ur legs for a rep of 15, then raise and lower them alternating each leg for a rep of another 15, dont let ur feet touch the floor.

Tip 8: Take a couch pillow to the office or use one from ur home (if self employed), place the pillow between ur knees ad squeeze you legs together for 30 - 60 seconds while sorting through e-mails or while on the phone.

Tip 9: Just before u have lunch, sit in ur chair upright, feet flat on the floor. Bring ur palms together in front of ur chest and push both hands together powerfully until u feel ur muscles contract, hold for 20 seconds then release and repeat for a rep of 10.

Tip 10: Roll back ur shoulders until ur shoulder blades feel pinched together. Hold for 15 seconds, release and repeat for a set of 12 -15.

Tip 11: If u have a swivel chair, hold the edge of ur desk or table, lift ur feet off the floor and use ur arms to slowly twist back and forth for a few minutes, this can clear the mind while keeping u focused on things other than work related stress.

Tip 12: Adjust ur chair height to make sure the feet, hips, and arms are at 90-degree angles to the floor. Engage the core to keep the back straight throughout the day.

Tip 13: Have healthy snacks on ur desk, just a small bowl so that u can munch for energy. Have things like nuts, granola, pretzels, fruit snacks, etc.

Tip 14: Tell urself out-loud what an awesome job ur doing, leave affirmations around the office. U can even make a copy of an affirmation off line, or a magazine, etc, and put them in frames for ur office.

Tip 15: Take 10 minutes during the day and write out ur worries (can do this on ur computer), divide it into three columns: My Worry; Why It Worries Me; Worst Thing That Could Happen. Once you confront the worst-case scenario, and realize that it probably won't ever happen, it will lesson the worry, or go a step further and write down few ways to solve the worry. :)

Tip 16: Keep ur most needed items on ur desk, what isnt needed should be placed elsewhere. Make homes for ur office supplies. Less clutter promotes productivity.

Tip 17: Spring and Fall clean ur office areas, get rid of excess and changing up the room by adding things of color, bringing in plants and using aroma therapy can greatly improve ur mood and productivity.

Well, that my tips for now my smexy peeps. Hope ur office is bright, colorful and invigorating!


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