Journaling Benefits and Tips
Journaling is a great way to get things out of ur head, especially at the end of the day so u can rest better. There are many ways to journal and many types of journals to have, but keeping track in one or two keeps u from feeling overwhelmed with what to write and in which journal. Designate ur journal/s for certain things, such as: A daily record of ur thoughts and feelings, a place to record ur exercise and food intake with calorie tab, a dream journal or one for just lists of goals or what u plan to do throughout the day. Benefit of journaling is u can write what u want and keep it private to see how u have grown over the years.
Some things u can add to ur journal/s is art, small drawings that u do. Doodling helps relax u and open up ur minds. U can use cursive and add in small art to that, like instead of dotting ur i's with a plain dot, dot them with small hearts, or butterflies. U can use colored pencils, markers or even paints. U can use ticket stubs, stickers, photos, any combination of ur mind and u can use many items or styles. U can add in favorite quotes, Bible verses and even lyrics from ur favorite songs. Compose ur own poems, that also helps ur mind open up for journaling. U can journal out any lists u need to think through. Write out mini goals to reach and complete larger goals. Work out tough decisions by writing to urself as if u were a trusted caring friend. U cant write out a short biography, story or fantasy. U can express urself openly, write a letter to a person ur having an issue with to get it out of ur head. U can also use it as notes if u chose to talk to the person face to face. Write as if ur journal is ur best friend.
When should u do journaling? Just pick a time and do it. Start in the here and now and just start writing about anything. Write whatever pops in ur head. Be honest, dont elaborate, dont embellish, just write with an open and honest view on urself and on the situation. Keep true to ur dream and use the bells and whistles for stories or fantasies. Record what u really think and feel without thinking u cant write this or that. Trust urself no matter what comes out. :)
Dont worry about how u say things or ur spelling. Journaling is about self discovery, ur journal is just a tool. U dont need to be perfect or correct mistakes. And, dont be critical of what u write.
Keep it up for about two weeks to see if journaling is beneficial to u or not.
Things to journal about:
- Ways to nurture urself
- Goals for the year
- Questions u have that need answering
- Ways to improve ur life
- Things to do before u die
- Fears u are having right now
- Ways u can make money
- Qualities u are proud of having
- Things u value in life
- Ways u help others
- etc