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Please Teas Me

Ever look into the health benefits of the many many teas u can try? They are tasty beverages in place of milks, sodas, juices and just plain water. They are wonderful either hot or cold. Iced is a favorite in the Summer months and hot in the Winter months, though either can be drank any season of the year. :) I'm going to take u into the world of popular teas and what they can do for u!

Echinacea is used to cure the common cold, which is early Spring or early Fall usually. Drinking this kicks ur Immune system into high gear. It relieves pain and inflammation. It is also an antioxidant.

an·ti·ox·i·dant: a substance that inhibits oxidation, especially one used to counteract the deterioration of stored food products, also a substance such as vitamin C or E that removes potentially damaging oxidizing agents in a living organism. According to Google Search. :) So this is a pretty beneficial tea to drink.

Lemongrass has a citric flavor...go figure right? Lol. :) It's tangy and great in cooking as well as a tea. It helps in digestion ans smells awesome. U can also use the water for a nice refreshing face wash.

According to Wikipedia: The rose hip, also known as rose haw or rosehep, is the fruit of the rose plant, that typically is red-to-orange, but ranges from dark purple to black in some species. Rose hips begin to form after successful pollination of flowers in spring or early summer, and ripen in late summer through autumn.

This tea helps with the adrenal function...what is that? Well...The adrenal glands, located at the top of each kidney, produce hormones that help the body control blood sugar, burn protein and fat, react to stressers like a major illness or injury, and regulate blood pressure. Two of the most important adrenal hormones are cortisol and aldosterone. According to the website:

It is a sweet tea with a terrific health boost! :)

Cardamom Tea is an evergreen plant in India and Guatemala. Both the white flowers and the seeds are used to make the sweet tea. If u burp and...ummm...have a lot off air, shall we say, Cardamom is the tea for u. It helps in relieving stomach pain and discomfort and indigestion. It aides when u feel sick and also a cough with phlegm. If u have had to much caffeine during the day, drink a few cups of this tea to help detoxify over night. Also its a helpful tea to drink to stabilize a womans mood during her period.

Green Tea is the wonder herb of all herbs! :) Green Tea contains strong antioxidants called polyphenols, which help suppress free radicals. What are free radicals? rad·i·cal: an uncharged molecule (typically highly reactive and short-lived) having an unpaired valence electron. According to Google Search.

But, what are uncharged molecules? Well...According to Health Check Systems, they are: Normally, bonds dont split in a way that leaves a molecule with an odd, unpaired electron. But when weak bonds split, free radicals are formed. Free radicals are very unstable and react quickly with other compounds, trying to capture the needed electron to gain stability. Generally, free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. Some free radicals arise normally during metabolism. Sometimes the body?s immune system?s cells purposefully create them to neutralize viruses and bacteria. However, environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides can also spawn free radicals. Normally, the body can handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Of particular importance is that free radical damage accumulates with age.

Now that the explanation in technical terms is over...Green tea stops tumors from forming, Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, prevents tooth decay and lowers blood pressure. Now thats something to smile about. :)

Ur home will be smelling wonderful when u make up some Lemon Balm Tea. This antidepressant smells grand! :) This lovely tea helps relieve cold sores when chilled in the fridge. Mix equal amounts of Lemon Balm Tea with Valerian to treat insomnia, anxiety and stress. What is Valerian? Well...Valerian is a perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers that bloom in the summer. According to Google Search. So it is just another herb. It also regulates the thyroid. Mix it with Peppermint Tea to sooth an upset stomach. It also is known to lessen nerve pain. It has been also known to strengthen memory and lifts ones spirits up. :)

A nice warm cup of Lavender Tea can soothe ur mind and help calm nerves and induce sleep in almost anyone, its been used for centuries. :) When ur down and depressed, having a cup can lift ur spirits, helping to lower stress and other ailments caused by stress. It can reduce flatulence, help ease a baby with colic, it aides in bowel infections and eases an upset stomach. Use a wash of Lavender Tea to help reduce fever and heal all sorts of wounds.

Chamomile Tea is used world wide for stomach and indigestion relief. It promotes calming ur mind so u can focus better and stress less. Drink a cup of Chamomile Tea before bed to promote good sleep. It helps relax the body and mind and helps even those with insomnia fall to sleep. :)

Well thats it for now my smexy peeps, please make sure u watch ur bodies reactions to ur ailments and if the tea is actually helping. Never use tea as a substitute to seeing ur doctor for major illnesses, teas can help but they are NOT a cure all. U can talk with a holistic guru at a holistic shop in ur area and get advice on measurements, doses, etc. Also, watch for allergies, hives, difficulty medical help right away if u feel u are having an allergic reaction to an herb. Other than this, use common sense folks and enjoy ur teas! :) Muah!

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