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The State of Bliss

What is bliss? How do u obtain it, keep it, spread it around? Good question. Not many reach the state of being perfectly happy or have great joy in their lives. Sometimes people have it in their lives, but just dont feel it inside. Some of us wish we could be oblivious to everything but happiness. I am in no way saying to take drugs to reach this bliss, though some people believe that is the only way they can reach it. I dont believe this at all and it makes u sick.

I think bliss is a state of mind really, u either believe ur at a place of true happiness, or u dont. And with issues in life, mainly negative ones, its hard to even acknowledge there even is such a thing as happiness, let alone bliss. Been there many times myself. :) But we can TRY to reach this blissfulness, by doing the things we love to do more often. Make a list of all the things that bring u joy, dont second think it, dont change it because ur family or friends dont like it...find what u enjoy and dont allow urself to feel guilty that u like it. Just let it flow. Out of that list, work them into ur life. Set aside time to do things u really enjoy. At first it will feel funky, weird, strange, because u havent been doing them, but after a month or so of doing these things, u will eventually feel the peace and happiness of doing them.

What gives u personal pleasure? A walk during a light snowfall, catching snowflakes on ur tongue? That sounds peaceful, especially in the evening, as the sun slowly sinks in the distance, hearing the crisp crunch of snow beneath ur shows as u trek through woods filled with bare trees. The bird coo, rarely chirp and u see ravens flutter from one tree to the next, the cold breeze chilling ur cheeks....awww, that is bliss. Nature usually is blissful, so it would be good to spend time there. :) So thats one idea for ur list, lol. :)

What in ur life brings excitement, joy, pleasure?

Do what u love. If u love to surf, lot in time for it, heck, book a vacation around it. Also, if u THINK something might bring u pleasure, take a class, learn about it. But, remember if ur learning, it takes time and at first u wont be perfect at it, so dont get discouraged and think its not for u, just keep trying. If u give it a try for a couple of months and u find u dont like it, then would be the time to quit it and move on. Just never turn down something u think u will find pleasure in until u give it a full hearted attempt to learn. Ok, enough of lecturing, lol. :)

Remember this is a journey on happiness. Anything negative in ur life needs to be removed...I'm talking toxic relationships, things that make u unhappy more than happy. It could mean, uncluttering ur home for serenity, making a nook in the corner of ur room for relaxed reading, moving to a better climate, or from the city to a smaller town, it might mean removing certain people from ur life that make u down, hurt, etc. Make a list of ur negatives and start weeding things out of ur life and dont feel guilty doing it, its for ur sanity and health. U have the right to change ur life for the better. :)

Focus on what makes u passionate and what gives u passion in ur daily life. For some it is cleaning, making their home a beautiful place for themselves and others, for another it may be volunteering at a shelter, knowing they are making a difference in the world.

Be aware of how u love, forgive, understand and show compassion. Being all of these, and aware of all of these, bring happiness to u. The more negative u remove, the more positive happens. Nothing in life is perfect (if only, lol), but u certainly can start to make it more so by being aware of and doing what gives u pleasure in life. At times u will slide back into old habits, if that happens, just get right back on the wagon of making bliss happen in ur life. Make ur personal bliss start with u and dont rely on others to make u happy, that will fail quickly. Sure, its fun and encouraging to have others to share in all ur happiness or expect others to bring happiness and bliss to u, but reality is, noone can really do that but urself. Always be ur own best friend first, then add others into ur bliss and share it with them. :)

I can talk on and on about this subject, and its not always to achieve, sometimes u have to step back and reevaluate where u are and what u want. Either way, blissfulness comes from u and u alone and how u look at what makes u happy.

Ty for reading and have a blissful, happy, joyous day my smexy peeps! :)

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