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Is Ur Attitude Craptacular or Spectacular?

Lately my attitude has been one of annoyance to myself. When things don't go my way, I get depressed and blame myself. It annoys the hell out of me, so I can imagine what it does to those around me. :) I try hard to be optimistic, but sometimes I just can't do it. I whine and complain (annnoooyying), and become withdrawn. I am trying to change that in me, though it is hard to accomplish.

Can my attitude be better, well hell yeah, all of ours can be...but how do we go about feeling positive when we feel negative to the core? Good an answer? Lol. Well, I did a bit of researching this lets take a look at what I found with a twist of what I've tried and helps.

We can control how we feel at times, but it takes work to change ur pessimistic mindset to one of a more optimistic following. Our attitudes can effect so much around us...It effects how people treat us, it effects others moods for the day, including our own, it effects how we feel bout our own environment. If we are happy others will be happy also and even faking happiness can turn into actual happiness as the day goes on. Yeah, ik, wtf is she talking about? O.o But bare with me a little longer and maybe u will catch on.

A negative attitude can make u very bitter, U will begin to resent things and pessimism will set in. I know, because I am more likely to be negative than positive. I don't know why, but seem's I have been this way forever. :) Being negative in our attitudes will eventually take tole on our health. It has mine, emotionally and physically. And having this negative attitude around others WILL rub off on them also, and their attitude toward u then changes and becomes negative...or they leave u behind and get on with their more positive life...or they join u in ur negative stew, and that's not a fun place to be.

It's not always easy to be positive and I am in no way saying to be positive during very straining times, or to be positive 24/, I ca only wish I was like that in my own world. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!

Positive people seem to be more confident in what they do...though I know plenty of negative people who are very confident in what they do also, lol. People who are positive seem to take responsibility more for their actions than negative people do in a more positive outlook. Negative people seem to feel they have to take responsibility for the actions of others because for some reason, negative people seem to feel guilty even when what they feel guilty for isn't something they have even done....if that makes sense. :) A more positive attitude helps u make longer and lasting relationships. People enjoy being around positive people. Sooooo...haw can we become more positive already? Geeze...I'm getting to it! :P

One way is to pinpoint why ur attitude seems so negative. Are u worried? Under stress? Anxious? Sit in a quiet space for just a few minutes and think on what the issue is that could be causing ur attitude. Remember though...sometimes we just don't have a clue as to why we have a bad attitude, saying this though, u can ask a trusted friend or family member what they feel might be the cause of ur attitude.

The second way is... don't seek advice from the same people over and over though, that bogs them down to, have a small group that u can bounce thoughts around with...that also means listening to them also, so make sure u can deal with others issues and have it not be just another contributor to ur already sour attitude. :)

the third way u can figure out why u have the attitude u do is to identify ur positives AND ur negatives. Writ as many as both as u can. This will make u aware of things around u also. It will help u see where u feel good and where u feel bad. Then u can plan to be more involved with the positive and omit out most, if not all, the negative.

Another thing to do is get plenty of rest to re-energize and help u focus. If ur tired throughout the day, ur attitude shows it, along with physical signs such as circles around the eyes, chalky skin and even rashes. Also, being in a sour mood can screw up ur eating patterns, making u lose or gain to much. The foods u choose when in a bad mood usually are comfort fattening foods, so bye bye diet and skinny jeans, js. :D

Not eating properly or sleeping well can defo effect ur attitude for the day. For sleeping, take a relaxing hot bath about an hour before u want to sleep, add lavender essential oil to it and epsom salt, about a 1/2 cup to the tub water. This method usually works for me. Also drink a warm cup of green tea (yum) and opt out on the sugar, use honey instead, a tsp is great. Get into ur most comfy pjs and cuddle on ur bed under a comforter, or ur favorite blankie. :) If u can't stand a totally dark room, them get a set of blinking or non-blinking Christmas lights and lay that across ur dresser, or headboard, or Even tacking then to the wall opposite ur bed. Plug them in and instant nightlight. :) Also, get some dark curtains, helps keep any outdoor light out.

In the morning, start ur day right with a nice bowl of oatmeal and fruit, sweetened soy milk, or that of ur choice helps. Omit coffee for tea if u can (I know some that can't), or alternate coffee and tea in the morning. Then follow up with snacks every few hours. No, not full meals, just snacks, an orange, a granola bar, some sliced carrots, etc. And have a tall glass of water with a squirt of lemon juice (real) in it always on hand.

And last...if ur attitude cant be lifted and u just cant seem to feel happy, go on a mini-trip, either an actual vacation, a mini-vacation, or a different room. :) Go for a walk, sight see in a town nearby...or heck, even ur own town. Having things to do, a way to escape the dramas, even for a tiny while can lift ur attitude and mood a lot. If u just had an arguement and need to recharge, get out of the room and away from the person for a bit...sit in the bathroom and have a great cry, go for a walk around the block, sit in the car and call a friend. Make a list of things u can do, so when the occasion arises, u will be prepared.

Not all of these ideas will work for everyone, but give them a try...and please, try not to swing ur bad attitude toward others...hard as that may be, but in the long run, a good attitude attracts others to u and makes u a better person both emotionally and physically. So, give it a try. :)

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